Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Days like these...

It's days like these that I wonder why the heck I chose to live and study in Aberdeen of all the places in the world... No but seriously, I love it here but the weather... oh, the weather....

It was really nice for about a week, with sunshine and +15 degrees, but on Thursday the weather started getting worse. It started with being incredibly windy! I almost fell over outside the library because the wind was so strong, and when Matilda and I were heading over to 6° North for a beer with a few people in the evening, it felt like the wind had picked up even more. When we headed over to Oskar's flat on Friday, it was pissing it down with rain, resulting in Christel, Matilda and I arriving at his flat completely drenched as he lives quite far away. Saturday and Sunday were pretty bad as well, but I spent both days in the library writing my psychological assessment essay, so it didn't really bother me. Yesterday was when the weather really flipped out! The rain was chucking down all day and it was quite windy, just like today. Absolutely terrible.

It's a funny thing though. Almost every time I say that I live in Scotland, people ask me "Isn't the weather really bad!?" and I always respond "Not always... but when it's bad, it's really bad!" Truer words have never been spoken, haha

Aberdeen on a nicer day than this

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