I know that I have a few things that I want to to before I die. Some are a little more ostentatious and crazy, whereas others may not seem as outrageous, but nevertheless incredible. Here are a few things on my bucket list:
One of the things on my bucket list, which I will be able to tick off the list sooner than I expected, is celebrate New Years in Sydney. On New Year's Eve, roughly 1.6million people congregate in the metropolis of Syndey, New south Wales, Australia, to witness the 7 tonnes of fireworks explode in the night sky.
Even though it might be a chilly night, I would absolutely love to spend a night in the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden. Th whole concept of actually building an entire hotel of pure ice, mesmerizes me.
Planning a trip to Iceland has been on my mind for months now, and it may be happening sooner than I expected. Stefanie and I are really keen to go in January, to witness the beauty of the Aurora Borealis. Visiting the Blue Lagoon, Eyafjällajökull (I managed to spell that without using google!!), and hiking in the mountains is also on my list of things to do in Iceland.
When I really got into watching short documentaries of surfer girls such as Alana Blanchard, Lakey Peterson and Bethany Hamilton among others on YouTube, I was completely blown away by the beauty of Hawaii and its many islands. Above is a picture of Kauai; no words are needed. But what I really want to do is surf the waves on the coast of Kauai, even though I'm a rookie...
This is a very recent addition to my "Things to do before I die"-list. The Inca Trail is one of the most, if not the most, famous treks in South America. It starts in Chillca and follows a route up to Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas. I've always thought that the ruins at Machu Picchu seem unreal, perched up on that mountain, almost as if they belong to a folk-tale, but to witness them with my own eyes would be incredible.
Ever since I saw the Pippi Longstocking movie where she flies a hot air balloon, I've wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride. The location for my ideal hot air balloon ride would be over the Great Rift Valley in Kenya, East Africa. However, I am a little skeptical towards the landing, or should I say "crash-landing" of the hot air balloons...
Over the summer, my brother and I had a conversation about visiting Toronto, Canada. Toronto is a city made up of great cultural diversity, as it has one of the highest percentages of foreign-born populations. I don't just want to visit Toronto, I would actually like to live there. Something about the city just appeals to me
To make the big move down under, a.k.a. Australia, has been on my list for the longest time! People always ask me why I like Australia so much, and first of all, the accent is my favourite accent of all times, but also it's diversity in natural beauty, the food, the people, the lifestyle, the beaches, the desert, the animal life, the list goes on. I'll be visiting Aus in December, and I literally could not be happier :D Ultimately, I want to move out there on my own; get a flat, a job, live life, meet awesome people, and travel around the ginormous country!
My list is long, but these are 8 things I really want to do right now!!
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