Monday, 28 October 2013

Friday, 25 October 2013


The weather today is proper shit! Excuse my language. It's raining like crazy and extremely windy! I was soaked when I got to my lecture after about a 5 minute walk.
This morning, Alice and I went to the gym to work out. I always feel rather annoyed about getting out of my bed in the morning and walking over to the gym, but after my work out it's so worth it! My body aches but it's a good kind of ache and it makes me excited for the next gym session.
Since the weather is so bad and I couldn't stand stumbling into the library looking like a crazy person with my wet hair and soaked shoes, I went straight home after my lecture to finish my journal for my counseling course. After a light lunch and a quick trip to LIDL, I sat down in front of my computer and scrolled trough my old music Mondays, to see what music I have recommended in the past. This is the best decision I have made in about a week! I'm not even kidding.. I found so many songs that I have completely forgotten about!

Ma chérie - DJ Antoine and The Beat Shakers
P.I.M.P - 50 Cent
These two songs remind me of pre drinking with Paola and Hannah in our flat before going out to TigerTiger one night. When I played Ma Chérie just now my face lit up into a big smile and I started singing along to the song!

Tonight I'm off to a flat party in the next block. It should be good fun, but I can't stay for too long as I need to start writing one of my psychology essay tomorrow.

Pip pip

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Quirky Facts #9

Quirky Facts is back! Seeing as I haven't done so in quite a while, I decided to inform you guys with some weird facts :)

A full head of human hair is strong enough to support 12 tons
- Cats sleep for 70% of their lives
- The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" uses all the letters of the English alphabet
- Apples are more efficient than coffee for keeping people awake in the morning
- Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite
- Octopuses have three hearts
- If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne it will rise and fall continuously
- A cockroach can live up to nine days without its head, until it starves to death
- Pearls dissolve in vinegar
- A rat can last longer without water than a camel
- The dot above the letter 'i' is called a tittle

Monday, 21 October 2013


I'm not depressed in this picture, I was just trying to take a good picture of how I have been wearing my hair recently. I plait it then I put the straightener on the plaits so they get warm, I then let them cool down before I release the elastic to reveal gorgeous waves! It's super quick and requires no skill at all (besides being able to braid of course!) 
On Friday my friends from Sweden Juno and Natalie came over to visit me! We went shopping in the afternoon and then we went out in the evening. On Saturday I showed them around my campus, the library and where I live. We then went into town and had a delicious dinner at the Italian restaurant Zizzi's and went to the cinema to watch Captain Phillips. Which I thoroughly enjoyed! It was extremely intense, but very good. On the Sunday we had our last meal together at Frankie & Benny's before they took the bus to the airport to go home. It was so great seeing them again!

There hasn't been much blogging lately because my life really isn't that interesting on a day-to-day basis to be honest. I got to lectures, then practicals and tutorials, I drink coffee, I study in the library, I get soaked by the rain, I come home, I go to LIDL, I watch YouTube videos, I get a cup of tea and a fruit, I watch some Netflix, I consider reading for my courses but decide against it in the end, hehe.

However, since my cold has finally (!!) gone away, I have been going to the gym! Woo
I am planning to go to the gym 3 times a week in the beginning, and then a few exercise classes here and there when I find the time. Then I will perhaps start going more often, depending on what my schedule is like.


Music Monday #58

My newest jam! I got recommended it by my friend who DJ's at TigerTiger. I can't stop listening to it

The beat is awesome!

I love this song as well!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Music Monday #57

This is one of those songs which is always going to be my favourite. I haven't known about this song for long but I am pretty sure it's going to be a favourite for quite a while.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Autumn Must Haves

So, I think we all have those few specific things which we cannot live without throughout the chilly autumn months! I certainly have some, and I'll be sharing my autumn must haves with yous :)

Recently, I'v been drinking coffee like never before! I get a cappuccino before my morning lectures and after a few tedious hours in the library, a coffee break with a friend is the ultimate way of kicking back and catching up!

Do I seriously even need to mention that autumn is the prefect sweater weather? It's pretty self-explanatory. But when it's chilly and grey outside, a warm sweater is the coziest thing you'll ever put on. Why not layer your knit with a button-up, like in the picture? I love it

Scarves are an essential for those chilly autumn mornings and those windy afternoons, which we get a lot of over here! Slip on some mittens and your hands will be cozy warm clasping that coffee cup.

These boots were made for walking... No but really though.. they were. I haven't had the chance to wear my boots yet because it's only just starting to get cold up here. However, I have frequently been using my Hunter's during this rainy season!

When autumn rolls around, clementines are usually found in almost every supermarket. Which is a plus for me because they are my absolute favourite autumn snack! The smell and taste reminds me of my childhood.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Music Monday #56

The album cover for Håkan Hellström's album Det kommer aldrig va över för mig

So many of my friends are obsessed with Håkan Hellström, and I've never really understood why. Until I finally started listening to his most recent album, and now I'm hooked!

Valborg - Håkan Hellström
"Lägg din hand i min" 
Probably my favourite line from the song. Translation: Put your hand in mine

If you have Spotify you'll be able to listen to it on this link, but I couldn't find the actual song on youtube.